Jcpds Card Database Fulll
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the programmatic interface is provided by the jcpds search application programming interface (jcpds-api). the free version of the jcpds-api provides searches by chemical formula or by structure; the commercial version also allows searches by any of the other parameters specified for the jcpds card. the programmatic interface can be accessed by http or com/dcom or by a java web start.
this is the starting point for all of the text, table, figure, and reference information in this database. it also contains the following information: the file number, the three strongest lines, the lowest angle line, the chemical formula, the data on diffraction method used, the crystallographic data, the optical and other data, the data on specimen, the data on diffraction pattern.
the first step is to get to the full database. in the navigation bar, click on the database navigation button. you can select the following categories: nacl structure, nacl specimen, nacl diffraction pattern.
the full database contains the following information on nacl: the file number, the three strongest lines, the lowest angle line, the chemical formula, the data on diffraction method used, the crystallographic data, the optical and other data, the data on specimen, the data on diffraction pattern.
the icsd, which is an international union of crystallographic and physical sciences, is the only worldwide reference for the data. the original data was experimentally derived. as other sources of data were added to the database, prefix numbers were assigned to the source. specific subsets of the database can be searched separately and results sets can be sorted by source. this is useful when the compound is a known type (mineral, organic) or a data-gathering method is prefrered (experimental, calculated). 3d9ccd7d82