Superheroes Suck PATCHED
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Superheroes Suck
The cheers intensified, the crowd grew thicker, and Shay climbed atop a trash can to get a better view. Beyond the sea of heads, and amid the flaming hunks of broken skyscrapers, Mr. Amazing pulled Electric-Luxie close. The two superheroes gazed into each other's eyes. A hush befell the hundreds of bystanders, even Evie held her breath. Then, they kissed.
A collective gasp rolled over the crowd of onlookers. The intense romance generating between the two superheroes brought a smile to Shay's lips, though she'd blame it on the people's predictability if anyone asked.
The police swarmed Evie, shaking her hand like she was some kind of rock star, and Shay snickered. This happened every time her sister whipped out that badge. It seemed insurance agents were more popular than superheroes these days. 041b061a72